Adopt a Family

Thank you for choosing to be part of our Holiday Adopt a Family program. Your commitment to giving to a mother and child means that on Christmas day they get to cherish the memory of your kindness.

This new platform confirms your pledge to purchase the items provided on each families wish lists and allows you the flexibility to purchase the items at your favorite retail store(s).

Please note the pictured items on the families wishlists are an example for your reference, unless where specified in the description, the AaF# in the description is an internal identifier, not a product code.

You cannot purchase items through this site as they are not linked to any online shopping sites. After you select the items you are going to purchase and check out your cart, you will receive an itemized list via email for you to print and take with you to your favorite retailers or purchase on your favorite site.

If you choose to use Amazon, please consider selecting Cay Galgon Life House as your charity of choice in their Smile Program.

Also consider downloading the ShopRaise App and selecting Cay Galgon Life House as your cause. This app will connect you to over 1100 popular vendor sites who donate a portion of the sales back to the Life House. (This app can be used all year round for any purchases.)

Please follow these simple guidelines:

Read Our Stories
We have 13 stories about the families for this year.

Select an Item(s)
You may select from multiple family lists. Use the back button on your browser to navigate to different lists.

Proceed to check out
You will receive a confirmation email with the items you “pledged” to purchase.

Take your “pledged” item list and purchase at your preferred store.
The brands do not need to match the picture unless specified in the description. (consider using the ShopRaise App or Amazon Smile to maximize your
contribution to the Life House)

Wrap and label gifts with the family # and gift item

Please ship OR drop off the packages so they arrive by December 10th
Ship to Cay Galgon Life House, Adopt A Family, 714 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Drop off between the hours 9am to 4pm Monday thru Friday

If you are drop shipping from Amazon or any other retail site, please remember to put the family# and gift item information in the gift note section.

If you are unsure as to what you’d like to donate, please consider giving to our Adopt a Family General Fund.

If you have any questions, please call the Life House at 610-867-9546, Option #4
